Some people believe that weight control begins in the mind. But the question I'll try to answer is: could lose weight hypnosis be an alternative for losing weight? Permanent weight loss occurs with a change in lifestyle, not through unnatural diets that are impossible to maintain.
Hypnotism has become an important part of weight loss strategies. Currently, more and more people are turning to hypnosis or hypnotherapy for help with fat loss.
Many traditional weight control programs leave us feeling frustrated and deprived. It is known that this is the pattern of weight loss but that slowing down of the weight coming off makes the whole process seem less effective. The weight isn't dropping off as fast as it was.
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Lots of people try to lose weight using methods based on hypnosis. But the weight doesn't stay off. Many individuals these days, male or female, young or old, are struggling with weight management.
Repetitive weight loss and gain is hard on the body, especially the heart and of course, it is hard on the emotional state of the dieter as well. Temporary weight loss is easy. This is probably because patients have not made any fundamental changes to their behavior, which would result in good weight control.
Self hypnosis is usually thought of as a person listening to an audio tape, mp3, or other mass-produced media, intended to induce a willingness to absorb suggestions centered around a specific topic such as weight loss, stop smoking, etc. As soon as the patient can measure progress for this goal (like pounds lost, if the goal is weight loss, days of no smoking, if the goal is to stop smoking, and so on.
People go to the hypnotist for a variety of reasons: some people's problems are more 'on the surface', for instance weight watchers, smokers, people with a drinking problem; some on the other hand have more deep rooted issues, which could deal with their self image, traumatic experiences in their life, divorce, deaths, or career decisions, among others.
Also be aware of what you feel for the moment like the temperature of your skin, the weight of your body against the chair or bed etc. From smoking to sexual problems, from will power to weight loss, all types of hypnosis downloads are available on the internet.
Apart from hypnosis, there are many stop smoking 'products' on the market that patients can choose. Because hypnosis permanently changes patient's attitude towards smoking they have little chance of relapse at any point in the future. You may have heard that people get hypnotized to lose weight or quit habits like smoking or chewing their fingernails.
For example, a stop smoking hypnosis may delve into the rationale for quitting - my family is important to me and needs me to be healthy. It is better to live a long life than a short one, etc.
For self hypnosis to help people quit smoking and losing weight, all people need to do is visit some particular sites and click on a particular hypnotic routine. For example, if you want to quit smoking you will have to download the MP3 related to hypnosis for smoking.
As a result of stopping smoking there will be an improvement in health. Smoking cessation, confidence building and habit breaking are all positive outcomes that self hypnosis bring. People do actually succeed in stopping smoking but the same method of stopping does not work for everyone and sometimes the same method may finally work only after a second or third attempt at it is tried.
Hypnosis is probably best known for breaking habits with stop smoking and weight loss success and yet it has been found to be effective in reducing and managing stress, achieving deep relaxation, increasing energy, overcoming fears, overcoming insomnia, and reducing the experience of pain. From low confidence to sexual issues, from smoking to weight loss, people seem to be benefiting from the effects of hypnosis for a variety of problems.
Hypnosis that is designed to address a habit like smoking or eating is often delivered in group sessions held over a number of hours, and it can also be administered by CDs and tapes at home.
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